Late night realization
Kategori: YES!
Mix Wally West together with Conner Kent and what do you get? JUSTUS! O______O
No wonder I love those guys so much! xD
Wally har ju t.o.m. hans ögonfärg for Christ's sake! XD
Kategori: YES!
Kategori: Love <3
AHHHHHH YAY!!!! Äntligen är det nya avsnittet av Young Justice uppe på Moviewatch!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Jag är så sjukt förälskad i den här serien så det knappt är sant! :D I love it to death! XD
Alla karaktärer är så sjukt snyggt tecknade och alla är så jäkla sköna! XD Jag skrattar flera gånger om i varje avsnitt!
Och alla huvudpersoner är så jäkla söta och underbara och roliga och awesome och ja... jag kan fortsätta i all evighet med att snacka om den här underbara serien som jag upptäckte helt av en slump för typ ett halvår sen, och hade sett alla avsnitt som fanns ute samma dag xD Så glad att uppehållet äntligen är över, och hoppas att man inte behöver vänta ännu ett halvår till efter ett nytt avsnitt :S
Min favorit är nog och kommer ALLTID vara Wally West aka Kid Flash. I loved him as an adult in Justice League and I love him as a teenager in this xD Han är bara just pure awesomeness och är alltid så jäkla söt och rolig xD Och han är rödhårig och har fräknar!! :P Just adorable xD
Men Conner Kent aka Superboy är sure nog en close second :P Mummmms...
I can't do anything but love them both!!!! *faints like a squealing fangirl*
Ok... Alright... I'm up xD Just took a little nap there, that's all (A)
But to continue on with this, so that I can go to bed sometime xD
Since I have gone on and on about my dear boys in Young Justice, I thought I perhaps should say something about them ;P Or something. Oh, what the hell! I'm gonna show you some pictures. Deal with it! xD
Wally's just soooo adorable and I just want to hug the living crap out of him <3333
I know, I know. I feel like a total smuck for kinda, possibly, absolutely being in love with someone that's cartooned but also being ONLY 15.... I defend myself with saying that I loved him as an adult before this ;D
I mean come on! Who can blame me? Wouldn't you like this adorable piece of- ahem. Like I said, wouldn't you? ;P
Oh God I can never watch this without laughing XD Wally I love you <333
While Wally has his adorableness... Conner Kent on the other hand has something completely different. And with him I want to do some completely different things *drools*
Just look at those blue eyes O____O
Starting to see what I mean? ;D Ah ah? ;)
But if we shall talk about good looking men (;P), here's one that if I could in some way get into this world somehow it would definetely be Roy Harper aka Red Arrow. He sooo hawt and just badass XD
And it isn't as bad to like him as with Wally and Conner since he's 18 (A) Alright, he's still almost two years younger then me, but what the hell let me live my fantasy world xD
He isn't on the team, but he's someone you could call like an "associate" and a form of back-up or something like that ;D He's like a big bro to all of them :P *squeal*
And perhaps if you look a second time, you can see a certain pattern between my dear Wally and Roy? ;D
Oh yeah, they're both red-heads :P Wonder where my dark-haired guy-fettish has gone? xD
I almost had a heartattack when this footage showed up in the new episode I watched today xD It's feels really ridiculous to feel your heart beat goes faster when you watching someone that's cartooned. CARTOONED!! XD
It's frikking insane that's what it is! XD
*drools and looks absently away into the far*
Ahem! Anyhow xD
Here's the rest of the gang ;D
So fucking annoying that I couldn't find a stat for Artemis, and it was almost frikking impossible to find a decent pic of her too ;/ But here you have a picture of her anyway...
I seriously recommend it to everyone! :D If not for the story or the fact that it's about superheroes, but for the awesome characters and animations :P .... and the good looking guys isn't exactly a minus either .... *blush*
Congratulations for reading the whole thing!
* If you were actually able to read the whole thing with ALL my impossible to understand ramblings, WITHOUT skipping parts - I give you a cookie as an reward ;)
* If you actually ALSO watched the clip with Flash - I give you a fanfare AND a cookie xD
Once again... GOOD GIRL ;D
Kategori: No!
Kategori: Love <3
Kategori: Love <3
Kategori: YES!
Kategori: YES!
Kategori: Love <3
Kategori: Skola
Kategori: Love <3
Kategori: YES!
Kategori: Love <3
Kategori: Skola