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What's a wahore?

Kategori: Love <3

The Best Quotes from Jeff Dunham ~ Spark of Insanity 6-7

Melvin the Superhero

Jeff: What's your most outstanding feature?
Melvin: My costume.
Jeff: Right, it is a very nice costume.
Melvin: Thank you.
Jeff: Yeah, what does the "D" stand for?
Melvin: Oh well, that's for my theme song.
Jeff: You have a theme song, what's your theme song?
Melvin: Dadadaaa
Jeff: Where did you get the costume?
Melvin: That my friend, is a superhero-secret.
Jeff: Ebay?
Melvin: Dammit!

Jeff: So you're a superhero?
Melvin: Yes.
Jeff: Do you fight crimes?
Melvin: Yes, of course.
Jeff: What kind of crimes?
Melvin: Bad kind.

Melvin: [...] I can fly! Really, aha!
Jeff: How far?
Melvin: How far can you throw me?

Jeff: Can you stop a speeding bullet?
Melvin: Once...

Melvin: You know my wife met Lois Lane ones. She acted like a h-o-r-e.
Jeff: You mean w-h-o-r-e.
Melvin: What's a wahore?

Jeff: So you're married?
Melvin: Yes!
Jeff: Does your wife have any powers?
Melvin: Yes! [...]
Jeff: Like what?
Melvin: Well, once a month... She becomes eeevil... and I
can not defeat her! Our children run in terror!

Jeff: Do you have an archanemy?
Melvin: Pinoochio!
Jeff: Do you have a weakness?
Melvin: Cupcakes... and porn! Well, not on the same time... I need a free hand.

Jeff: I like... the Flash!
Melvin: He has no powers! He's on meth!

Jeff: I've always kinda wondering about the superheros and the young men sidekicks.
Melvin: You have five men in a suitcase. And one of them on a stick!
Who's sliding down the perveted old bat-pole now? If you had a theme song it would be: Lalalalaaa


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