Best of Eurovision 2012 (from MY point of view)
Kategori: Love <3
20. Germany - Standing Still (Those EYES!!!! My fucking god, just look at those doe eyes!)
21. Malta - This is our Night (This is my personal favorite. Just look at those feet! How the hell does he do that? It looks hilarious and I love the song so much much from that exact little foot-thingie xD)
I also kinda liked:
United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia, Romania, Greece... well I kinda felt there was A lot of songs this year that weren't That bad unlike many other years. So let us just end with that I kinda liked A lot of them xD
(And I think it's incredible awful that Norway came in last. LAST!? He were so much worth it than the Albania-chick and Azerbaijan and Turkey and Spain... well, to be downright fair and honest, a lot of them... but seriously Albania? She made my fucking ears bleed that bitch!)
But Hungary, Germany and Malta is definitely my favorites. I can't get enough of them :P Especially Kurt Calleja. I pumped it all day while I studied my ass off xD
And of Course LOREEN :P Our own nation's pride and joy! xD I love Euphoria as equally much now as I did three months ago :D
I felt since she won in February that she would probably do really well in Eurovision, and I was oh so right xD No one believed me, but I knew ;) And I totally did a little 'victory dance' in saturday after she won, thinking of all the people I won a argument over in that exact moment xD
It was worth having my sister giving me the evil glare for being to into the voting and the contest, but what the hell I'm a patriot and hate watching sport so I gotta let out my huligan somewhere xD
Now I'm just going to listen to 'This Is The Night' one more time and then go to sleep, it's extremely late and I have to go up early tomorrow to write one essay and correct another before 24:00... oh, lovely...