
Where I can load up whatever the **** I want! MWHAHAAHAHAHAHAH XD

B-day 2012

Kategori: I don't even...

Och så var man 21 då (och en dag om vi ska vara irriterande noggranna). Ingen större skillnad kan jag påstå från måndag, men ja är väl principen som i så mycket annat.

Däremot har jag inte kunnat få ut ur skallen en hilarious bild av alla jag känner dansandes Gangnam style i min ära som födelsedagsfirande. Måste ha varit något jag drömt. Or was it..? B-)

Dream a little dream of me

Kategori: I don't even...

Inatt drömde jag den nog mest underbara drömmen på länge. Men jag börjar undra lite var gränsen går till att bli besatt? Min dröm var nämligen om Tyler Hoechlin och Dylan O'Brien. (Är det någon som ens är förvånad? Det var väl i stort sett bara en tidsfråga innan jag skulle drömma om dem två. I blame the clip I saw late last night on facebook with them surprising a gold medalist who is a huge fan of Teen Wolf. DET ÄR JAG OCKSÅ! SURPRISE MEEEE! :O)
But anyway... Jag kan inte hjälpa att undra om jag kanske har kommit för långt i min besatthet att jag t.o.m. kan drömma nåt så trivialt och obetydligt som dem sitta på samma restaurang och jag som diskret försöker ta kort på dem med syrrans touch-telefon (eftersom mobilen jag har fått låna från henne inte har en fungerande kamera), och sen hur de kommer över och av någon anledning skakar hand med pappa(!?!) ... HUG. ME. Instead!
Och när jag pratar med dem, som typ den enda fungerande engelsktalande människan i familjen (kanske förutom syrran då), att jag förvandlas till en babblande idiot som inte kan uttala de mest enkla engelska orden utan att slakta dem fruktansvärt?

... till och med i minna drömmar lyckas jag förlöjliga mig själv. Och vad är det för slags självkänsla egentligen att jag i min egen dröm förlöjligar mig själv men att det fortfarande är det bästa som hänt mig i typ flera månader?

Jag ska nog bara gå och krypa upp i min säng och gråta över att jag inte bor i USA där sånt här faktiskt kan hända...

My Famous Last Words

Kategori: I don't even...

Jeanette's last words: "(incoherent fangirl-like screaming)" en.shindanmaker.com/268364
Somehow I don't have such a hard time imagining this xD

Just let me love you

Kategori: I don't even...

Oh God. This! This made me cry so hard!!! All the FEELS!!!!
I need to go cry now. In a corner. Now. Just let me go. Just. Just leave me there. Forever...


Kategori: I don't even...

Are you serious?!


Kategori: I don't even...

AHAHAHAHAHHA XD Oh God! You dirty dirty ball of cheesel! XD
"What is that? It's not cheese? What is it then? The moon? Don't be silly, the moon wouldn't fall for something that trivial, she's waiting for her lover Koo-koo-ka-choo the find a way back to the spirit world and her."

Avengers assemble!

Kategori: I don't even...

Captain America / David Rogers
Captain America / David Rogers quiz
You are most like Captain America. You have a strong "good guy" ethic, and hate injustice of any kind. Understanding what it's like to be pushed around helps you fight for the little guy. You are not one to give up too easily, and often get yourself into tricky situations just to prove your worth. Your high ideals and old fashioned manners set you apart from most of your peers.
I just took 'Which Avenger Are You?' and got Captain America / David Rogers. Take this quiz at http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/gCfdcYo/Which-Avenger-Are-You
Well, I could have guessed it. I am studying to become a social worker after all ;P
Nonetheless I like my new superhero alter ego, Cap is so adorable ^^
Ps. David Rogers? Seriously? His name is STEVEN "STEVE" ROGERS. And you call yourself "a maniac for Marvel."? Shame on you!

Right in the feels!

Kategori: I don't even...

Alright. That's it! I'm packing my bags, I'm moving to someplace were family!Steve/Tony/Peter doesn't exist! I'm literary crying my eyes out over here! HOW DARE YOU!?

One of those rare moments again...

Kategori: I don't even...

"It’s the Perseid meteor shower, kind of a big deal guys. Look towards the big dipper for the highest concentration of meteorites."

Nu vet jag vad jag ska ha för mig söndag natt. Självklart sitta ute och skåda natthimlen ;)

...I'm such a geek...

Unfair... that's what it is!!! xD

Kategori: I don't even...

Let me just sit in the corner and sulk for a bit....

Alphabetic Browser History Meme

Kategori: I don't even...


Type one letter into your browser bar and the first address that pops up on the drop-down menu, you have to put a link to it here.

(I saw this and thought I'd do it just for fun. I mean, why not? xD)

A = http://arrrousal.tumblr.com/

B = http://babynames.com

C = http://crash-n-burn-comic.tumblr.com/

D = http://www.deviantart.com/

E = http://ejestrand.blogg.se/

F = http://falifer.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d522i6r

G = http://www.google.se/

H = http://hotmail.com/

I = www.imdb.com/title/tt0120021/plotsummary

J = http://justinjameshughes.com/

K = http://kankung.deviantart.com/

L = http://luciferious.tumblr.com/

M = http://marvel.wikia.com/Main_Page

N = http://nella-fantasiaa.deviantart.com/

O = http://oglaf.com/

P = http://petrolkeepsmerunning.tumblr.com/

Q = http://quirkilicious.deviantart.com/

R = www.rps.net/cgi-bin/stone/randpower.pl

S = http://starfightercomic.com/

T = www.teamfortress.com

U = http://www.heromachine.com/heromachine-2-5-character-portrait-creator/

V = http://viria.tumblr.com/

W = http://wikipedia.com/

X = www.xe.com

Y = www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfGFFJ_Smp4

Z = www.zerochan.net/437677

My role in Legend of Korra

Kategori: I don't even...

Jeanette is a non-bender who tried to kill Amon and has a pet Polar bear dog http://en.shindanmaker.com/215279

Aaw I didn't get to be a bender :( But at least I'm not an Equalist and have a pet Polar bear dog. I think I name him Togo ;)

The power of....

Kategori: I don't even...

slingthatslang:  Ally is able to erase the memories of others. She has mastered the ability to force rabbits into another plane of existence. Lamentably, Ally struggles with being night-blind.   Viria is able to tunnel through solid sand. Also, she has inherited all of the powers and talents of a spider and she can sculpt and mold all rubber with a thought. Viria has the power to view distant locations with her mind and she developed the talent to cause her assailants to become powerless. She also has been known to spray deafening sounds from her pack of magic spells against any opponent in sight and she has mastered the ability to deflect lightning bolts, but using this power draws a lot of attention. Viria has learned to change shape into a gorilla, however using this power makes her incorporeal for one day. Terribly, Viria takes harm from exposure to gold. oh wow, I chose Random *_* viria le garilla haha

Justus possesses the power to confuse the smell of an attacker. Additionally, he has the power to transform his body into wood and he has learned to copy attacks of his enemies. Justus can spin like a whirlwind. Sadly, Justus is deathly afraid of monkeys.

Wow, I don't think Justus will like that power very much xD It would be the copy of others powers then, but turn himself into wood? ...why can I only interprete that into something dirty? xD Stop that! XD But it was close on his weakness, too bad it was the wrong kind of animal, it is kinda amusing really with a badass vampire being deathly afraid of spiders. But he sure is xD

Darren brandishes a terrifying rocket launcher made from corbomite. He likewise developed the talent to view distant locations with his mind and he has learned to steal attacks of his combatants and use it against them. Darren is known for his impressive dexterity and he has been known to deflect javelins. He has the ability to become incorporeal, however only while in pain. Darren has mastared the ability to transform ice into glass. Unfortunately, Darren has a weakness of being extremely smelly.

*rolls on the floor laughing* Darren has a weakness of being smelly XD But I kinda have to admit though that I liked his power of view distant locations with his mind and steal attacks of combatans and use it against them. The one with being incorporeal while in pain is kinda neit too but it can't be really good in the long while, just imagine if he gets into a hospital while being badly injured and they can't help because he's incorporeal ;)

Cale is known for his terrific fame throughout the nation. He is able to tunnel through solir air and he developed the talent to create adamantium out of thin air. Cale has learned to transform his body into glass and he has the power to deflect sonic waves. Also, he is protected from damage by power armor, however using this power makes him incorporeal for one day. Cale wades into combat using a radioactive shotgun made from physical matter and he has been known to communicate with snakes telepathically, but can only do so once an hour. Shamefully, Cale takes harm from exposure to steel.

That sounds kinda pathetic actually xD All of it. Sorry Cale, you didn't impress me with your "amazing" powers xD

Damon can become gigantic, but never when concentrating. Additionally, he has mastered the ability to copy any talent of his enemies, however he must speak words to power to do so. Damon brandishes a poisonous tail and he has learned to cause his rivals to become foolish. Additionally, he lords over a horde of weapons and he is able to absorb the damage from most physical attacks and redirect it toward any opponent close by, but using this power draws a lot of attention. Damon can steal defenses of his antagonists and use it against them. Terribly, Damon struggles with being woefully unskilled at gambling.

So when CAN he become gigantic then? By mistake? Whenever he doesn't want to? Well, that's sounds workable. And now I picture him with a scorpion tail. How lovely xD

Jeanette wades into combat with a frightening whip that can force opponents to freeze in place. She also lords over a group of fish and she rides a bizarre dragon into battle. Jeanette can transform dust into fire and she is able to confuse the vision of an assailant. She developed the talent to cause her combatants to become kind of an asshole and she has developed all of the powers and talents of a lion. Shamefully, Jeanette has a weakness of being night-blind.

Pft, allow me to laugh scornfully xD Beware my army of fish! XD But the other powers are kinda badass, I gotta admit :P Except the one were I turn my enemies into assholes then xD Why on EARTH would I want that!?? XD And my weakness is pathetic xD

Amanda has the power to transform any squid into a butterfly. She also lords over a cluster of sorcerors, but this power only lasts one day at a time. Amanda is able to confuse the vision of an assailant and she has been known to change shape into a pig. Additionally, she brandishes a savage boomerang made from rubber and she carries an accurate sword. Sadly, Amanda takes harm from exposure to rock.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA XD Oh God I'm almost peeing my pants xD And a savage boomerang made of rubber? Oh how scary xD But at least she has sorcerors and a sword that makes her a little more badass but then I just throw a rock on her and she's weak again XD

Loreen - Euphoria (Official Music Video)

Kategori: I don't even...

Inte för att jag ska vara sån eller så men jag tror den hade varit ännu bättre om hon bara rent utav hade gjort sina danssteg som hon gör på scen, men då i videon på det här väldigt bildvackra fältet, och sen med några inslag från videon som kamerabilden på träden och "solen" och liknande. Tänk bara vad vackert det hade blivit!

Annat än det så tyckte jag videon var slående och vacker och väldigt Loreen ;) En riktigt hyllning till naturen!

In other news, här kommer en riktigt bra cover på Euphoria, den är inte riktigt lika snabb och "poppig" but I still Really enjoyed :P (Perhaps mainly for his godforsaken angel voice, but whatever xD)

Find your colour

Kategori: I don't even...

you are lightcyan

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

Pretty accurate I think?


Kategori: I don't even...

How is he even doing this?

But I must admit it's kinda funny that it is Harry Potter's theme he does xD If that isn't irony I don't know what it is xD

"You... Oh, I got this you just... you.. what?"

Kategori: I don't even...

Just crazy! Absolute craziness! How the fuck does he do it!?!

The Reason I Play Alone

Kategori: I don't even...

A pretty good picture of how I look while playing action games so I just felt like sharing xD

I Must have it!

Kategori: I don't even...

I must have a movie (AND a HP-book prequel, thank you very much! XD) with the Marauders! xD I want it So badly! Can't you just give it to me? Please!? Just GIVE it to ME!!!! XD

Part 2! Go-GO-GO!

Kategori: I don't even...

Kom igen nu då Sverige! :D