Haha, sitter och leker i Paint :P Gör biografier till mina karaktärer i min "bok" som jag skrivit på nu i.... fem år o.O Har det tagit så många år??? :O Men den som väntar på nåt gott väntar ju aldrig för länge heter det ju ;D
Min första idé på framsida när den fortfarande hette The way to immortality, men nu har jag döpt om "boken" till Nightmares of the Past och då måste jag göra om framsidan ;D
The Best Quotes from Jeff Dunham ~ Spark of Insanity 7-8
Peanut: That's god, that's god, that's gooooood
Peanut: What!? What the hell is wrong with you? We cannot talk at the same time? I talk You talk I talk You talk, that's it! FOCUS. I am so sick of this crap. I've tried doing solo! Jeff: What happen? Peanut: I kept falling of this fricking thing. Why did you interupt me? Jeff: You mispronounced my name. Peanut: What? Jeff: You mispronounced my last name Peanut: I know! Jeff: It's Dunam Peanut: Not when you look at it. It's says DunHAM. Jeff DunHAM. HAM. Your the other white meat.
Peanut: Jeff DunHAM dotcom Jeff DunHAM dotcom. And you, you know, if you think about it's actually Jeffafa DunHam.
Peanut: Jeffafa DunHAM dotcom. Am I pissing you offafa? Jeffafa DunHam dotcom. You know, the weird part is that I am actually pissing him off. And he would like to kill me, but he will not because that will be a form off suicide. You want to kill me! Jeff: No i want Peanut: Yes you do Jeff: No Peanut: Yes Jeff: No Peanut: insert you feelings Jeffafa DunHam dotcom
Jeff: What? Peanut: Dude you need a tictach. You know what you breath smells like? DunHam!
Peanut: What the hell was that? Jeff: What was what? Peanut: What did you just do? Jeff: I didn't do anything Peanut: You picked your nose, did you see that? Oh, My God!! You fricken piiicked your nooose! *looks under* Jeff: WHAT?! Peanut: You didn't do a very good job, there's still something there. Jeff: Cut it out Peanut: You gotta get it Jeff: Stop Peanut: It's wiggling Jeff: STOP IT! Peanut: Oh wait, your a ventriloquist, make it talk!! That would be funny as hell!! Oh and give it a french accent.
Peanut: It's like you know!
Peanut: DO IT! Doooooo itttttttt... Jeff: Nuwt
Peanut: You know what would be funny as hell? When this gets on comedy centrum and this show was sponsered by Toyota. And they have no idea. One night they're watching this and like. "Heyyyy, he makes fun of our car. He's say our car is gay. He's not gay, he's gay."
Peanut: In a twisted kinda way, all five of ous on stage have slept with you wife. When you wreckin having a great time, that's me! When you pissed off and liner thinking why did I married this broad, that's Walter. When your so angry you wanna kill her, that's Achmed. Jeff: What's José Jalapeno on a stick? Peanut: You are a sick man! José Jalapeno on a stick
Peanut: Jeff is Jeff, Heff is Heff, and Scheff is Scheff! One of these things just doesn't belong here!
Peanut: I have a question for Josie. José: My name is José. Peanut: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were in America, speaking frecking english. But I didn't see the little *shkk* that magically changing Josie to frecking José.
Peanut: Did you know he had another stick? Jeff: I had no idea Peanut: Do you know what that means? Jeff: What? Peanut: That means that one comes out.
José: Sometimes I'm afraid for my life. Jeff: Why? Peanut: Taco Bell.
Peanut: And trust me you will not do well in prison. Jeff: Why not? Peanut: Come here puppet boy! Make your daddy talk! Jeff: That's nice. So you're pretty sure I'd soon become someones... Peanut: Bitch! José: On a stick.
The Best Quotes from Jeff Dunham ~ Spark of Insanity 6-7
Melvin the Superhero
Jeff: What's your most outstanding feature? Melvin: My costume. Jeff: Right, it is a very nice costume. Melvin: Thank you. Jeff: Yeah, what does the "D" stand for? Melvin: Oh well, that's for my theme song. Jeff: You have a theme song, what's your theme song? Melvin: Dadadaaa Jeff: Where did you get the costume? Melvin: That my friend, is a superhero-secret. Jeff: Ebay? Melvin: Dammit!
Jeff: So you're a superhero? Melvin: Yes. Jeff: Do you fight crimes? Melvin: Yes, of course. Jeff: What kind of crimes? Melvin: Bad kind.
Melvin: [...] I can fly! Really, aha! Jeff: How far? Melvin: How far can you throw me?
Jeff: Can you stop a speeding bullet? Melvin: Once...
Melvin: You know my wife met Lois Lane ones. She acted like a h-o-r-e. Jeff: You mean w-h-o-r-e. Melvin: What's a wahore? Jeff: So you're married? Melvin: Yes! Jeff: Does your wife have any powers? Melvin: Yes! [...] Jeff: Like what? Melvin: Well, once a month... She becomes eeevil... and I can not defeat her! Our children run in terror!
Jeff: Do you have an archanemy? Melvin: Pinoochio! Jeff: Do you have a weakness? Melvin: Cupcakes... and porn! Well, not on the same time... I need a free hand.
Jeff: I like... the Flash! Melvin: He has no powers! He's on meth!
Jeff: I've always kinda wondering about the superheros and the young men sidekicks. Melvin: You have five men in a suitcase. And one of them on a stick! Who's sliding down the perveted old bat-pole now? If you had a theme song it would be: Lalalalaaa
The Best Quotes from Jeff Dunham ~ Spark of Insanity 1-6
Walter: I think my house is haunted. Jeff: [...] Walter: Because my wife's there. I'm walking in the front door and all I hear is: Get Out!
Walter: I hang up on her. [...] She called right back and said: "Did you hang up on me?" I said: Oh, I don't know did it sound something like this. Click! Jeff: Did that make her angry? Walter: Oh, I felt the disturbance in the force.
Walter: So I thought what Jesus would do, so I try to turn her into a fish.
Walter: Be gone Satan!
Jeff: You said the wheater changes too quickly. Walter: Yeah, I know it changes fast every else in the country but in Florida it's ridiculous. Jeff: What are you talking about? Walter: Oh, my god. I was standing there on the beach in the sunshine, having a little ice tea. I look over and "oh, look a little cloud" about three minutes later *shrrkkkk* "HOLY CRAP!!!!" The locals are hanging on to the Palm trees. "We love it here!" Your dumbasses! I say, leave it to the cubans and get the hell out!
Walter: Eh, shut the damn door! Scared the crap out of the guy. Then I thought about for a sec and said: "I don't want to go the Los Angeles." Jeff: And what happened? Walter: We were detained. That bastard had no sense of homour.
Walter: Dumbass!
Walter: 72 virgins, why not 72 slutty broads who know what the hell they're doing!
Jeff: If you choke a smurf, what colour does it turn? Walter: Choke a smurf... is that what they're calling it now? What the hell happened with the chicken?!
Walter: Ever heard it whike you driving by? It goes Iiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm gay Iiiiiiiiiiiiii'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm gay. Yeah, when it idles it goes homo homo homo homo homo Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Achmed: I am a terrorist. Jeff: What kind of a terrorist? Achmed: A terrifying... terrorist. Are you scared? Jeff: Not really, no Achmed: Haw! And now? Jeff: Not really, no Achmed: Ahaw! How about now? Jeff: No. Achmed: God dammit. Oh! I mean, Allah Dammit. Silence! I kill you!
Achmed: It's a flesh wound.
Achmed: Okay, I will not move my ass. Walter: Your idiot! You don't have an ass!
Jeff: You really are dead. Achmed: Really? Jeff: Yes Achmed: I just got my flue shot.
Achmed: They opened the case and I go. ELLOOOOO!!!! I am Lindsey Lohan!
Achmed: You rascist bastard!
Achmed: I would not kill the jews, no. I would toss a (penny) between the two of them and watch when they fight to the death, haha, yes, I did the same with two priest, only I tossed in a small boy haha, yes yes and the winner had to fight Michael Jackson!
Achmed: Knock-Knock! Jeff: Who's there? Achmed: Me, I kill you! Jeff: What went through your head minutes before your died. Achmed: My ass.
Jeff: What do you thing about Bush? Achmed: Oh, I love Bush... Oh, you mean the president, I'm sorry.
Jag börjar bli så jävla less på det här! Jag skickade imorse och frågade om Linnea hade lust att åka in lite tidigare idag eftersom vi båda bara hade engelska, så att vi kunde äta tillsammans. Jag har ju haft körlektion så jag har ju suttit sen halv tio och jobbat med skolarbete. Ja, det gick ju bra för henne eftersom hon hade praktik från 8-11.30 nånting. Perfekt tänkte jag så hade jag två timmar på mig att göra lite nytta. Jag skickade då och bad henne skicka sms när hon slutat så vi kunde bestämma då var vi skulle mötas.
När klockan började närma sig tjugo i tio skickade jag och frågade om hon slutat. Hon skickade då tillbaka att hon satt på Amazing Thai. Jag frågade då varför hon gjorde det. Tänkte om hon höll någon sällskap och glömt bort tiden eller nåt. Nä, då satt hon och mat med Cassandra. Citat: "Öh äter mat med Cassandra :P" Precis som att jag var dum i huvudet eller nåt. Jag skickade då och sa att hon skulle ju äta med mig och frågade om hon glömt de. Vart irriterad samtidigt som jag skrev och frågade om det inte var så att hon kunde säga till. Hon svarade då med att cassandra nyss hade kommit och Linnea var hungrig. Vad fan är de för svar liksom!!??? Då vart jag asförbannad eftersom hon sagt att hon skulle äta med mig bara några min senare. Så jag skickade till henne "Tack så jävla mycket då! Var det så jävla svårt att klara dig i tio minuter så att vi kunde äta tillsammans!" Kanske lite för mkt men jag var asförbannad :P Hon svarade då: "Men vi sitter nog här ett tag de e bara och komma:P" I helvete heller att jag tänker göra de!!! För det första kostar 150 spänn att äta där. 150 fucking spänn och det är inte ens särskilt gott där. Så jag svarade: "Aldrig i livet att jag betalar 150 spänn för något som är bättre på andra ställen! Så mycket kan man lita på dig tydligen" Jag överreagerade kanske man jag såg bara rött, så förbannad var jag. Hon hade sagt att vi skulle äta tillsammans och så går hon och äter med någon annan och beter sig att det inte är något.
Skit i att hon fyller år idag jag funderar allvarligt talat på att inte ge henne något. Man gör bara inte så!
Nu kanske det var lite mycket skäll, sorry for that, men jag är bara så jävla förbannad just nu. Det är inte så många som läser min blogg iaf ;D Over and out!
I Thorpe Park i England öppnade dem den 18 mars attraktionen Saw - Alive, som tydligen ska vara "världens mest extrema skräcklabyrint".
Gäster som vågar sig in i labyrinten kommar att bli prövade till den yttersta gränsen, både psykologiskt och känslomässigt, när de går igenom sex runt där de mest ohyggliga och kultförklarade scenerna från de sex Saw-filmerna utspelar sig. Besökarna får delta i fasansdulla spel, vars enda syfte är att höja pulsen och injaga skräck. Den verklighetstrogna skräckfilmsupplevelsen kryddas ytterligare av vidriga stanker och makabra syner utspelade utspelade i miljöer direkt hämtade ur Saw-filmerna. De som har modet till det kommer få bevittna hur ett av Jigsaws offer möter sitt fruktansvärda öde innan de går vidare genom en elekrifierad korridor, där ett enda felsteg ger en verklig elektriskt stöt. På vägen ut ur labyrinten kommer besökarens alla sinnen störas av stämningshöjande musik, oljud och lukter.
Vem skulle vilja gå en sån labyrint egentligen? NO WAY!!!! :O
David: "You're too late, my blood is in your veins!" Michael: "SO IS MINE!"
Last fire will rise
Behind those eyes.
Black house will rock,
Blind boys don't lie.
Immortal fear,
That voice so clear.
Through broken walls,
That scream I hear.
Cry, little sister! (Thou shalt not fall)
Come, come to your brother! (Thou shalt not die)
Unchain me, sister! (Thou shalt not fear)
Love is with your brother! (Thou shalt not kill)
Blue masquerade,
Strangers look on.
When will they learn
This loneliness?
Temptation heat
Beats like a drum.
Deep in your veins,
I will not lie,
Little sister! (Thou shalt not fall)
Come, come to your brother! (Thou shalt not die)
Unchain me, sister! (Thou shalt not fear)
Love is with your brother! (Thou shalt not kill)
My Shangri-Las,
I can't forget
Why you were mine.
I need you now!
Cry, little sister! (Thou shalt not fall)
Come, come to your brother! (Thou shalt not die)
Unchain me, sister! (Thou shalt not fear)
Love is with your brother! (Thou shalt not kill)
Cry, little sister! (Thou shalt not fall)
Come, come to your brother! (Thou shalt not die)
Unchain me, sister! (Thou shalt not fear)
Love is with your brother! (Thou shalt not kill)