
Where I can load up whatever the **** I want! MWHAHAAHAHAHAHAH XD

Best of Eurovision 2012 (from MY point of view)

Kategori: Love <3

2. Hungary - Sound Of Our Hearts

20. Germany - Standing Still (Those EYES!!!! My fucking god, just look at those doe eyes!)

21. Malta - This is our Night (This is my personal favorite. Just look at those feet! How the hell does he do that? It looks hilarious and I love the song so much much from that exact little foot-thingie xD)

I also kinda liked:
United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia, Romania, Greece... well I kinda felt there was A lot of songs this year that weren't That bad unlike many other years. So let us just end with that I kinda liked A lot of them xD

(And I think it's incredible awful that Norway came in last. LAST!? He were so much worth it than the Albania-chick and Azerbaijan and Turkey and Spain... well, to be downright fair and honest, a lot of them... but seriously Albania? She made my fucking ears bleed that bitch!)

But Hungary, Germany and Malta is definitely my favorites. I can't get enough of them :P Especially Kurt Calleja. I pumped it all day while I studied my ass off xD

And of Course LOREEN :P Our own nation's pride and joy! xD I love Euphoria as equally much now as I did three months ago :D

I felt since she won in February that she would probably do really well in Eurovision, and I was oh so right xD No one believed me, but I knew ;) And I totally did a little 'victory dance' in saturday after she won, thinking of all the people I won a argument over in that exact moment xD

It was worth having my sister giving me the evil glare for being to into the voting and the contest, but what the hell I'm a patriot and hate watching sport so I gotta let out my huligan somewhere xD

Now I'm just going to listen to 'This Is The Night' one more time and then go to sleep, it's extremely late and I have to go up early tomorrow to write one essay and correct another before 24:00... oh, lovely...

Because we're awesome xD

Kategori: Love <3


Loreen - You ROCK! :D

I Must have it!

Kategori: I don't even...

I must have a movie (AND a HP-book prequel, thank you very much! XD) with the Marauders! xD I want it So badly! Can't you just give it to me? Please!? Just GIVE it to ME!!!! XD

Part 2! Go-GO-GO!

Kategori: I don't even...

Kom igen nu då Sverige! :D


Kategori: Love <3

I don't even...

Kategori: Love <3

This... is... AWESOME!!!!!!!


Kategori: I don't even...

It's time!

Eurovision Song Contest is finally here!


I'm ready!

Bring it ON!

Pure genius!

Kategori: Love <3

(inbäddning funkar inte så tyvärr får ni klicka på länken som på gamla tiden xD Slänger in en bild istället som ni kan kolla på innan som liten kompensation ;D)

This really disturbed my inner-child on SO many levels. It completely ruined the show for me in sexy, unimaginable ways, and I will NEVER be able to see it in the same light EVER again.

So why do I LOVE it so incredibly much nonetheless? I already seen it three times yesterday and two times today XD

I especailly love the "little" detail that four of Teen Wolf's cast is in it. Favorite male cast from Teen Wolf? Hell yes! <3
Only those guys could manage to turn the Snoopy gang into depraved, sex-crazed lunatics. Not that I'm complaining or anything xD

They truly explored Charlie Brown's psychotic side in a genius way. That guy always kinda creeped me out a little about how he's ALWAYS so negative. There was only a matter of time before he would start a killing spree xD

It specificially managed to wreck my entire innocence and raped my childhood with one single line: "Ready to show me your... great pumpkin?"                              GENIUS XD

Another favorite was definitely: "I had a little trouble with the scissors" - I can see that Chuck ;) That totally cracked me up xD

My little darling Dylan O'Brien were PERFECT for the role! All bow down to Stiles before he shaves his head, puts on a hideous yellow shirt and kills you! XD

The gang is going to need SO much therapy after this however. Lucy might want to consider raising her rate on therapy sessions ;)

But seriously. They need to make this a movie! Kill them all Chuck. Kill. Them. ALL!! XD

Twisted Disney = Ett MÅSTE!!

Kategori: Love <3

Det här MÅSTE bli film! Så jäkla awesome!!! XD

Äntligen gör Disney prinsessorna något istället för att låta sina jäkla prinsar göra allt jobb xD ...även om dem behöver en väldigt twisted Mimmi för att starta det... Well well, vi kan inte få allt kan vi xD

Ps. Jag bara älskar sångerna också. Vem bryr sig att det är danska xD Det är precis som riktig Disney musik som den var förr i tiden, ni vet som Lejonkungen eller Tarzan (hehe och Prinsen av Egypten då men jag tror inte det räknas va? ^^;), där kan man lyssna på vilket språk som helst och älska det lika mycket.

Nu ska jag minsann titta på den igen. Kan bara inte låta bli ;P

I found it!!! XD

Kategori: Justus and Darren

Perhaps you remember this http://ejestrand.blogg.se/2012/april/unbelievable-isnt-it.html?

I have now officially found Justus' voice!! XD

That I haven't paid attention to Clay Kaczmarek's voice before xD It's EXACTLY like I picture Justus' voice! It almost sounds like Ryan Reynolds but it isn't, it's JUSTUS!!! Right down to his little growling with sounding strong and gentle at the same time, and then being husky without hoarse. Just perfect XD

And I didn't even searched for it, it just popped up while I were watching AC3 trailer and then I watched it because I read so much about Clay and find him hilarious, and then I heard him and went: "OMFG!! JUSTUS?!?" xD

So just so you know, Graham Cuthbertson is from here and now my voice talent for Justus Hawkins, the vampire detective xD
Blaise... Durrows(?) is Johnny's voice talent, and awkwardly enough Chad Michael Murray is Cale's ;P

So who's left now? Darren and Damon? Let's see if I bump into them unexpectedly too sometime. I let you know if I do ;)

AC3 = LEGEN-wait for it-DARY!!!!

Kategori: Love <3



Short said, I cried during this xD

Kategori: Love <3

This amuses me to no end XD


And Sandra Bullock what the hell are you doing there!?! XD

June couldn't come sooner...

Kategori: I don't even...

Now it's official. Teen Wolf is over :'(

I watched the last episode of season one a couple of minutes ago and it ended in the worst possible adorable awesome cliffhanger EVER! And now I have to wait to JUNE!!! COME ON!!!

Ps. Stiles is still awesome and my favorite character xD
And to prove my point, here you got a few of his funny moments. And I mean it, it's just a FEW of them.

Some of my personal favorites is at 1:15, 2:54 and 3:02 btw :P

Starting to get why I love him so much? ;)

Stiles Stilinski is our man

Kategori: Love <3

I want to kidnap him and keep him in my closet so I can take him out Whenever I want and do Whatever I want with him!!! *drools with crazy eyes and then faints off Stiles-overload*
....Well, ahem, that doesn't sound creepy at all.... o___O

He's adorable! I WANT him! GIVE ME HIM!!!! XD


I-I... I just love him, OK!?!
