
Where I can load up whatever the **** I want! MWHAHAAHAHAHAHAH XD

My mind... I think it just exploded

Kategori: Love <3

I can't just believe how the Gaang have grown up to become such beautiful individuals! <3
Just look at these guys:
I think this is my favorite OTP ever!!! They belong so good together <3 And their kids are just as great as them! :')
Kya, Bumi and Tenzin, kids of Aang and Katara :D
Toph, why can't I know who is the father of your child!? I would even be glad if it end up being Sokka even though I like him with Suki and it kinda disturbs me a little that first cousins by blood end up being a couple during their later teens :/
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong, daughter of Toph
Just look at that handsome devil! OMFG!!! Fire Lord Zuko must have the greatest royal face EVER!!!
And you became a father of at least one daughter and have a atleast one grandkid :') How lovely :')
United Forces General Iroh, grandson of Zuko :P



lol terrible photoshopping. But I needed this Tokka.
Original image came from pokemonmasterkimba.


And just let me shed some crocodile tears for not finding such a picture of Sokka, my favorite. Oh the grief :'(
And then we have the fact that I know absolutely NOTHING about Sokka except him after the forming of the United Republic of Nations became the representative for the Southern Water Tribe and later the first United Republic Chairman. But what about everything before that!? Did he became Chief of the Souther Water Tribe!? Whom did he marry!? Did he marry someone!? Was it Suki!? And what about KIDS!? I MUST KNOW!!!
And this little picture highly amuses me for some reason I don't know xD
Ha ha! Yoda Iroh, just perfect xD
So much love I feel for these guys! I don't care how much I love Legend of Korra, you guys will always be no 1 in my heart! <33


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